

  A current topic of debate is the amount of support and services we are willing to provide for handicapped people. Many people believe that society has become more caring over the ages. However, if we look back in time, this may not prove to be true. A good example can be found by looking at some remains of a prehistoric culture.
  Several skeletons were found in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq. It was the home of a tribe of Neanderthal who existed more than 40,000 years ago. One of these skeletons was of a man of about 40 years, an old age for that period. He is thought to have been killed by a falling stone. Careful study of the bones has shown that the man's right arm had never fully developed and had been cut off below the elbow. The condition of the teeth was also unlike that of other Neanderthal men's. They showed signs of excessive use, as if they had been employed to make up for the lack of a right arm.
  How could someone so handicapped from his earliest years have survived to become an adult, and even live on to old age? Societies in such early times faced severe conditions. People who could hunt for meat were few. A handicapped person must have needed to keep close to the cave and been provided with meat. This seems to indicate a far greater degree of concern for the individual than previously assumed.
  In fact, the level of care shown toward this tribesman is not always seen in present-day societies. Such concern indicates a sense of unity and cooperation that made possible the future achievements of humanity. With this in mind, are we doing enough for the handicapped? Rather than being too proud of the efforts that modern society has made, it would be wise to consider if we even equal the efforts of "precivilized" societies.

1.Considering the remains of this prehistoric culture makes us (  ).
@ believe that society has become more caring over time
A look back at Iraqi history with admiration
B question if society has become more concerned about the handicapped
C want to give more support to primitive society

2.The lower right arm of the Shanidar tribesman is thought to have been (  ).
@ destroyed by a falling stone
A not unlike that of the other Neanderthal men's
B removed because of a lack of physical development
C unnecessary since he could use his teeth

3.The example of this ancient tribe suggests that (  ).
@ everyone could take part in most of the hunting activities
A it was easy to find enough meat to feed everybody
B life was not as difficult as modern man may think
C they had greater regard for human life than commonly thought

4.The author believes that true civilization is achieved (  ).
@ by looking to the future achievements of humanity
A by modern people taking pride in their accomplishments
B only if society supports all its members
C only when we show proper concern for "precivilized" people





[A current topic of debate] is the amount of support and services (we are willing to provide for handicapped people).

 A current topic of debate「現在の議論の話題」。「いまよく議論のテーマになっていること」という感じ字でしょうか、それが、is the amount of support and services「サポートとサービスの量」だそうです。名詞の後ろは形容詞節、ですのでどんなサポート・サービスかと言うと、we are willing to provide for handicapped people「障碍者へ与えるサービス・サポート」。provide A for B = provide B with A「AをBに供給する」。必要としている人に対して必要な物を与えるというニュアンスです。

Several skeletons were found in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq.

 Several skeletons「いくつかの骸骨が」、were found「見つかった」、in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq「イラクのシャニダール洞窟で」。

How could someone (so handicapped from his earliest years) have survived to become an adult, /and even live on to old age?

 How could「どのようにしてできたのか」、someone so handicapped「そんな障碍を持った人が」。

 その人、from his earliest years「若い頃から障害を持ったその人は」、have survived「どのようにして生き残れたか」、to become an adult「大人になるまで」。このto doは結果のto doですね(参照:準動詞 1)。and even live on「そして生き続けられたか」、to old age?「老齢まで」。

<In fact>, the level of care (shown toward this tribesman) is not always seen <in present-day societies>.

 In fact「実際」、the level of care shown toward this tribesman「この人に対して見られるケアの水準は」。tribesmanが分からなくても、thisが付いていますし、単語内にmanがあるので、「ここより前に出てきた男の人だな」と分かると思います。3段落目1文目で触れられていた「障碍者」と同一だろうと推測できれば、問題ないですね。ちなみにtribeが「部族」なので、tribesmanで「部族民」です。
 ケアの水準は、is not always seen in present-day societies「現代社会でも常に見られるとは限らない」。




1.Considering the remains of this prehistoric culture makes us (  ).

@ believe [that society has become more caring over time]
A look back at Iraqi history with admiration
B question [if society has become more concerned about the handicapped]
C want to give more support to primitive society



3.The example of this ancient tribe suggests that (  ).

@ everyone could take part in most of the hunting activities
A it was easy to find enough meat to feed everybody
B life was not as difficult as modern man may think
C they had greater regard for human life than commonly thought




A current topic of debate is the amount of support and services we are willing to provide for handicapped people.

 be willing to doは「〜するのを厭わない」。(なお、この文はCを強調して文頭に出してCVSの型になっているのだが、センターレベルとしてはそこに気付かなくても問題は無い)

Many people believe that society has become more caring over the ages.


However, if we look back in time, this may not prove to be true.

 look back「振り返る」。prove (to be) C「Cと分かる」。ちなみにprove O(that SV)は「Oを証明する」。

A good example can be found by looking at some remains of a prehistoric culture.


Several skeletons were found in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq.

It was the home of a tribe of Neanderthal (who existed more than 40,000 years ago).


One of these skeletons was of a man of about 40 years, an old age for that period.

 ofの前にskeltonが隠れてますね。後半のコンマ以下は、about 40 yearsの説明です。

He is thought to have been killed by a falling stone.

 be thought to do「〜すると思われる」。考えられているのが現在で、死んだのは過去、つまり時間差があるので、to have doneという完了不定詞の形になっています。

Careful study of the bones has shown [that the man's right arm had never fully developed and had been cut off below the elbow].

The condition of the teeth was also unlike that of other Neanderthal men's.

 unlike A「Aとは違う」。that of〜の部分ですが、前置詞句が付く場合、人称代名詞 itは形容詞相当語句を付けることが許されないので、代名詞はthat/thoseを使います。

They showed signs of excessive use, as if they had been employed to make up for the lack of a right arm.

 as if SVは「まるで〜ように」。as ifのうしろは仮定法のみならず直説法もとれます。
 employは「使う」、とくに人を使う場合には「雇う」と訳すわけです。make up for A「Aの埋め合わせをする」。

How could someone (so handicapped from his earliest years) have survived to become an adult, /and even live on to old age?

Societies (in such early times) faced severe conditions. People (who could hunt for meat) were few.

 前置詞のforには「求める」という意味合いがあることを押さえておきましょう。look forやask forのforです。

A handicapped person must have needed to keep close to the cave and been provided with meat.

 must have done「〜したにちがいない」(参照:助動詞 2)。keep close to A「Aのそばに居続ける」。

This seems to indicate a far greater degree of concern for the individual than previously assumed.

 S seem to do = It seems that SV「〜するように思われる」

<In fact>, the level of care (shown toward this tribesman) is not always seen <in present-day societies>.

Such concern indicates a sense of unity and cooperation (that made possible the future achievements of humanity).


<With this in mind>, are we doing enough for the handicapped?

 with OC「OがCの状態で」、付帯状況を表すwithです。

<Rather than being too proud of the efforts (that modern society has made)>,

 be proud of A「Aを誇りに思う」。tooは強調ですが、「過剰な」という意味合いがあります。

it would be wise to consider [if we even equal the efforts of "precivilized" societies].

 主語に仮定の意味を込めた仮定法と考えると、wouldという過去形を使っていることの説明が付きます(参照:仮定法 2


2.The lower right arm of the Shanidar tribesman is thought to have been (  ).
@ destroyed by a falling stone
A not unlike that of the other Neanderthal men's
B removed because of a lack of physical development
C unnecessary since he could use his teeth



4.The author believes that true civilization is achieved (  ).
@ by looking to the future achievements of humanity
A by modern people taking pride in their accomplishments
B only if society supports all its members
C only when we show proper concern for "precivilized" people



 ちなみに2番のmodern peopleは、動名詞takingの意味上の主語です。